Will is doing much better than I expected. I brought him to the dr. yesterday and got the lab results back today that he tested positive for giardia. I figured he had giardia since he has such loose bm's (but lucky for me he is potty trained and just tells me he has to go) So, I have to try to get some nasty medication down him for the next week. We are going to throw a party when he has a hard kaka! That will be a fun gathering. He is now sitting in the bathtub as compared to when he first came he would only stand. He likes to sit in the basket part of the shopping cart, but only after Jaymie showed him what to do. He loves buttons and switches and flushing the toilet. He is already using the potty less than when we got him and I suspect it is because of the better water! He sings cute little songs in Amharic to himself. It is really cute. He likes to climb and is improving daily on his relationship with Oscar. He actually fed Oscar a treat today. Oscar so badly wants to be his buddy. I have to tuck the little guy in now. Thanks for stopping by and I'll try to catch up more on details later:) He's a keeper!