What started as a way to update friends and family of our adoption process has bloomed into a snapshot of our lives as a family of five. We have been blessed through our adoption journey and hope our story of Will growing into our family leads you on your own adoption journey or at least plants a seed....
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
My little boy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Jeffrey

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Craigs list
Something I learned this week.... If you list something for free on Craigslist, be prepared for about 100 emails in your inbox. I listed the kids intex pool in the free section on Craigslist as I just didn't want it to go into the land fill and I knew I would not be using it another summer. I didn't even have the filter/pump. Some lucky lady came and picked it up though and she was just thrilled beyond belief. Nothing like making someones day with a 5 year old pool:) Wow did I get lots of inquiries. I did make some $$ off Craigslist this week though. I sold a dehumidifier, an aquarium and a 3by5 bathroom mirror. A grand total of 170.00. Not bad for stuff I didn't need or want anymore.