What started as a way to update friends and family of our adoption process has bloomed into a snapshot of our lives as a family of five. We have been blessed through our adoption journey and hope our story of Will growing into our family leads you on your own adoption journey or at least plants a seed....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We squeezed in a quick trip to a pumpkin patch this weekend. Here are a couple photos from the visit. We also had soccer that afternoon which is why Will is still in his soccer gear! On Sat Will got his Ingerra bread and we tried out the modeling agency. It was a pretty legitimate agency, but many of the people there were older tweens and only a handful of small kids were there. They wanted the kids to walk down a stage, and I did not know they were going to ask Will to do this, so I did not prep him for that. It's not like I am going to have him modeling clothes live! I think he looks great in the still shots! Anyhow, little man was intimidated by the stage walking, so we left. We weren't going to force him. Jacklyn and Jaymie were pretty upset as they wanted Will to model so badly. I say just give it time and when he is a little older he may be a little more ready to understand it. It is not like this kiddo is going to lose his modeling looks overnight. He can only get more handsome in our book!
Friday, October 15, 2010
He's got the look
I have been stopped on more than one occasion by strangers, friends, family etc... on how beautiful my little son in. I was out with Will last week sometime and I had 3 women stop me and comment on how he should be a model.... Well, I decided to do a little research on agencies in the area and I emailed his photo off to a couple of them. Low and behold, I was called by a scout this week that wants to meet Will on Sat. Well, the big subdivision rummage is this SAT and my girls are going to try to sell all the stuff we hauled here that didn't work in our house. It ends at noon and the scout wants to meet Will in Charlotte around 1:00 on SAT. So, if I can pull it off I'm going to look into it. It could be a scam and they call everyone who sends them a photo, but I figure it is somewhere to start. I've researched and they say to not give the agencies $$ up front. They are actually working for you if they are interested in his looks and once they find Will work, they can get paid. So, that is the latest in the life of Will. Tomorrow we are also off to Ethiopian food for some much need ingerra bread. Be on the lookout for Will modeling GAP clothes!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's 4am and I should be sleeping... but can't. I hate it when I can't sleep when my kiddos are sleeping. I hope I'm not tired the rest of the weekend. Anyhow, thought I'd type a blogpost since it has been a while. Lets see.... updates...
Jaymie has adjusted well. She has had several little sleepovers at various new friends houses. She is my very social child and loves doing things with her friends. Last night she spent the night at a neighbors house which she seemed to enjoy. She has not complained much about getting up so early to go to school. Poor thing catches the bus at 640 in the am. She takes a flashlight to the bus stop. Crazy! She has been gently asking for a another cat/kitten to replace our cat Belle who we lost to kidney stones earlier in the year. So I have been on petfinder looking into a couple different cats. We will see how the search goes. Jacklyn is doing well. She is really happy being near her cousin again. She is challenged by her new school, but is keeping up. She is such a responsible girl. Her tennis game continues to improve. We just looked into getting her a couple private lessons to have her serve worked on a bit. She plays every weekend with the subdivision team . Will, well what can I say. He continues to do great. He loves preschool. He loves sports. He is busy. It is fun watching him play soccer on his team. He has another game today. The weather here has been just beautiful. My sister has relatives from out of town visiting so we took them on a sunset cruise on the lake this evening. Some leaves are starting to turn here and the sunset was beautiful. It was nice to be able to take a boat ride w/o kids as they all stayed at the house.... all 3 cousins and my kiddos and it was not even a mess when we arrived back home. Jacklyn and Maddie are good babysitters:) and free too. Enjoy the Fall weather wherever you are. LOVE this time of year!
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