What started as a way to update friends and family of our adoption process has bloomed into a snapshot of our lives as a family of five. We have been blessed through our adoption journey and hope our story of Will growing into our family leads you on your own adoption journey or at least plants a seed....
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011

Just have to post how proud we are of Jacklyn and her high school tennis career so far. She is shining out there in the HS tennis world. Even though I get very stressed watching her matches, I still enjoy it to some degree. The game builds her confidence and self esteem in herself and she carries herself well on the court. She has her daddy's calmness out there. Even during close matches she seems to keep her cool. Last night was one of those matches. 5-7, 7-5, 11-9 in the tiebreaker. She pulled it off after being on the court for a marathon 3 hours. CRAZY! She remains undefeated at playing #2 on the team along with the #1 player on the team. They are being interviewed on Monday by a reporter who wants to do a story on them and their undefeated singles records. I'll post a link when the story gets published. Go Jack!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sept 17th 2008
Yesterday marked the day that I got the call. Just like 9-11, I remember where I was and what I was doing the moment I got the call. The area code of the adoption agency in Washington was on my screen. I thought to myself that no way was this a call referring us our son. We had only had all our paperwork in for 3 and a half months. I was expecting at least a 9 month wait. But sure enough it was our agency calling to say they had a little 2 year old boy for us who was paper ready and were we willing to take a look at his medical file/paperwork report and see if we would like to accept the referral. Of course I really knew I didn't need to look at the paperwork or file as we were going to accept whatever child was referred to us. I wasn't at home at the time, but was on my way as I was picking up Jaymie from school. We drove home, opened the email and up popped the pic with the blue background. He looked so sad....broke my heart. I called the agency right back and said them to move forward and we would be privileged and thrilled to raise this little man as our son. We have been blessed through this adoption more than words can say. Although I hate the circumstances that lead to adoption...it is a wonderful way to build a family and I would do it again in a heartbeat....
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
My dad drove 1100 miles with his dog for a little visit here this past weekend. I think it had been 2 years since I had seen my dad. He seems to always look the same every time I see him though. He sure liked "lightening" our golf cart and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up getting one for himself now that he had so much fun cartin' around on ours. I had to get a pic of him with the grandkids on it. I think I will have to enlarge it and send him off his own copy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Wordless Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Will's first day of Kindergarten
Yes, the dreaded day arrived. My baby started Kindergarten. This mama had tears flowing like you wouldn't believe. It was to a point I think Will was rather worried about me. He kept looking back from the line as it moved to the bus steps with a look of, maybe I better stay with mama, she looks pretty sad. But, I motioned him that I'd be alright and that big bad bus took my baby off to school. The beautiful part of the day is explained in the pic above. Will was the first off the bus and came running to me. The pic is priceless. I love it. Worth a thousand words. Today he stepped on the bus for the third day in a row. I sure get my walks in with Oscar early and go non stop accomplishing things without interruptions. A whole new chapter in my life. The first pic shows Jaymie and Will.....this will be the only year that they are at the same school. Jaymie sat with him on the bus the first day which I thought was very sweet. Shes lookin out for her little bro. Well, I'm off to take Oscar for a walk. Oscar is lovin the early am walks!!
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