Will's Questions

I knew the day would come, just not sure when. Certain small signs, overhearing kids and such, and the day finally arrived and of all days it was Mother's Day. Mother's Day is bittersweet for me. I am a very blessed wife and Mom and I don't take that for granted. When Will joined our family, another mom entered the picture. The mom who gave him life and now I am the one who sustains and nurtures his life. My heart aches for so many moms who have to give up their children for survival...and my heart continues to ache for the children who don't have a mom to celebrate. Last week Jeffrey and I were sitting on a hill watching Will in a tennis clinic. During a drill, I waved to him and shouted some encouragement. A boy standing in line next to Will saw him communicating with us and asked "are those your parents? and he then proceeded to ask...are you adopted? I haven't had the conversation with Will. "The conversation" that is me telling him you are adopted and explaining what all that meant... He knew we picked him up in Ethiopia, but sometimes I think he thought that's how we just sometimes get kids. Well, Sunday evening Will was asking questions so I took a deep breath and laid it all out for him. Of course as with everything he encounters, he took it in and asked a few questions like, was my mommies skin brown? Did you pick me? In which I answered his questions with answers like he was born in my heart and both his mommies love him so very much. I told him his mommy whose tummy he came out of was in heaven, and he seemed ok with that. A few more questions about Ethiopia, and then he snuggled right into my arms and I cradled him and stroked his brown curls as he fell asleep next to me. Will is so resilient, he tackles life head on and has the wonderful trait of always looking at the brighter side of things. This trait will serve him well in life and I will continue to nurture it. I am privileged to hold the title of mom to all my children. I am glad the conversation took place on Mother's Day, and as I pretty much knew, Will gets it, accepts it and embraces what he has. My plan now is to get to the library to check out some children's books that can help him process this more, and continue to feel blessed to be raising this angel we call Will.