Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jaymie had a half day of school today, so Will and her had some together time outside. Jeffrey left for NC on Tues. eve and will return tonight. He is going to be pretty proud I figured out how to download the pics off our new camera. This camera is way more techie than my last one, so be expecting some pretty fancy photos of the famliy. Will had his 3 trial sessions of early childhood. We will be having a meeting to see if he qualifies for services in early May. He actually wanted to ride the bus on the last day home from school, so I followed him in the van and he was all upset when we took him off the bus. Go figure. This is the kid who cant stand being buckled up in his car seat, and he was all smiles on the bus. Boys and their big makeenas (cars )guess.

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One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

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