Monday, March 23, 2009

We had nice weather for a few days here, now we are back to rain.:( Here is Jaymie at my sisters on her mini horse sugarbaby! She has so much winter coat she looks like a wooly mammoth. Jeffrey left for Boston today, so I am a single mom for a few days. It would help if the weather were nicer! We'll try to make the best of it. On Sunday Will has been with us here in WI. for 1 month. Hard to believe. He has adapted to so much change in his life. It amazes me. His little nightmares are not as often, he has become a dog lover, he had 5 viles of blood drawn from him yesterday. He has to eat my cooking :) poor guy! He doesn't complain though. He does have some meltdowns that show he is grieving, but it is healthy and they will/should become less frequent as he settles in and feels secure. Happy 1 month and 1 day home(as of today) I meant to post yesterday, but ran out of time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan and Jeffrey,
Kristen gave me your blog site. Your family is beautiful! Sounds like WI is a good place for you. The girls look alot like you Susan and are lovely.
We are living in NC and love being out of CA. Would love to catch up on everything. My e-mail address is: or I am on facebook.
Have a great week.

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One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

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