Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BMX bike track

What is this pic of to the left you may be asking? Well, as an added bonus across the street from our house is some common ground with a small pine forest in the center of it. In the pine forest a little bmx trail has been created by someone for kids to cruise on riding their bikes. Will has taken a liking to this. Of course he has, it keeps him busy and moving! Anyhow the area also has a bench for moms to sit on as they watch their kiddos perform their skills on their bikes. It took a while for Will to get around it without falling, but he pretty much can make it around the whole course now. He sets little goals for himself as he passes me on the bench shouting "mom, I'm going to go around 3 times without falling," then he ups the goal to 4 times and so on. His determination is amazing. He often sets little goals for himself and keeps his scores of whatever he is doing to try to challenge himself with his next attempts of things. A truly admirable quality for such a little guy! This next pic I took of our house from the bmx trail so you can see how close it is to our house. Oscar and I have already spent many minutes cheering on Will as he goes round and round the trail and over the jumps. And yes, I know, he has no helmet and no shoes on. Thats how I rode my bike when I was little! Actually he had shoes on, but we all know how this little man feels about shoes and they were the flip flops, so they didn't help to much with gaining SPEED>
Don't you just love all the pine needles on the ground for cushion from the falls. He also dodges the pinecones that are all over the track

Is that smile priceless or what?

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