Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Will!

I know I won't have time tomorrow, so I'm posting a "Happy Birthday" to our little man today. He turns 5 tomorrow. Can you believe it? Since I don't have baby pics of him, I look back at his referral pics and the million pictures we have of him when he first came home. He was so little! Love has helped him to grow to the 95% in height and 75th in weight. He is so excited about his birthday and it is fun to see the glow in his eyes and smile. He has been counting down the days. Numbers are his thing and I am surprised he hasn't come up with a little spread sheet to calculate the countdown. He has his tball practice tomorrow, so the girls want to bake cupcakes to bring to his teammates so that will be part of our day today! A little friends bday party is put on hold til next week. We are hoping we have good weather for a pool party down at our clubhouse. The weather here has been warming up and I'm sure all his little friends will have fun in the water together. My little man is 5 and I tear up thinking about it. We are all proud of how far he has come and this family just loves him to pieces. Happy Birthday to our sweet boy! xoxoxoxoxxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

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