Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preschool Eve Photo

OK, Here he is the night before preschool as I knew I would be too teary eyed to take his picture today. Will was going back and forth on his wanting to go to preschool or not. He would sometimes say he wanted to go and other times say he did not want to go. Well, I'm happy to say he made it through the day (3 hours). I was very teary eyed and he looked up at me and said mama don't cry and then he started to know that I was going to go and he got clingy. He did cry for me as I exited the door. That was a nightmare for me! I had to go to work though, so I had no choice but to keep going. I only was at work for 2 and a half hours and then I returned to pick him up. The school called me at 9, as I left at 830... and told me he was doing fine.. no tears. He had fun, and it was so good to see him when I got to him at 1145. The teacher said he did fine and was even the leader for the dance moves! Leave it to Will and his groovin! So this mom is happy to say that preschool for this little man went well. I hope it goes just as well on Thurs.


teri said...

Girl, he cried because he saw you crying. You need to hug and get OUT before your eyes get wet. They don't need to see us blubbering like idiots. :)

teri said...

Girl, he cried because he saw you crying. You need to hug and get OUT before your eyes get wet. They don't need to see us blubbering like idiots. :)

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One of our favorite photos of Will when he first got home

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