Friday, April 11, 2008

It Arrived!!!!!!

Wow! We've completed fingerprinting, passports photos, and now the dossier paperwork arrived in the mail today. That really makes it feel official. The cover letter stated they are ready to proceed with the next steps of our adoption. Yikes! We have to have the documents pretty much prepared exactly how they want them with a lot of them notarized. Of course Jeffrey would be leaving for AZ on Sunday for a work /golf/look at investment properties trip. Not good timing dear... So, I'm on my own for starting the gathering of documents worded in specific ways. I already have a lot of them in hand. Im giving myself 2 weeks (since Jeffrey is gone otherwise it would be 1). Jacklyn, Jaymie and I found some adorable shirts on line that said "My Brother is waiting for me in Ethiopia" I'm thinking that will be a good purchase! They think so too!

1 comment:

Erik said...

I bet they'll look adorable in those shirts. You have such a cute family! I'm glad things are proceeding smoothly.


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